Planet Mom Gives Back!

On Dec 30th, 20 "New Mom Packs" were dropped off at Laurel Regional Hospital.
These packs included a knitted hat, a ParentLife or MomSense magazine, a coupon for a free Chick-fil-a meal, a card with information about MOPS in general and our MOPS meetings in particular, and (as quantities allowed) samples of or coupons for Aveeno Baby products. Here's how you can help with this continuing effort:
- Donate gently-used medium-sized "baby" (or generic) gift bags
- Donate your MomSense (or ParentLife) magazine after you've read it (remember to take off any address labels!)
- Donate any coupons/samples you think a new mom would appreciate
- Make a knitted hat (ask Mentor Mom Vernea for instructions)
- If you frequent JoAnn's or other fabric stores, keep an eye out for fleece remnants that can be used for "no sew" fleece blankets which we'll use in place of the hats when we can
- Give us ideas of other (free/inexpensive) things we can put into these bags!

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